How to Get the Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide Without an IV

For years, Ive told the readers of my newsletter that intravenous hydrogen peroxide can work miracles for many illnesses. Unfortunately, conventional medicines attacks on the therapy have caused many doctors to stop using it. That is the bad news. The good news is theres a way you can get some of the same effects from another treatment that is not nearly as controversial.

A recent study from the highly conventional NIH showed that high doses of intravenous vitamin C can reduce the size of many cancers. The researchers said the effect is most likely due to the increases in hydrogen peroxide induced by high-dose intravenous vitamin C.

I am thrilled the NIH finally realizes the value of hydrogen peroxide in the body. Its truly a marvelous health-giving substance. And in this case, I am sure the hydrogen peroxide effect is helping with the reduction in tumor size. But I am not so sure all of vitamin Cs cancer-reducing effects are due to its ability to produce hydrogen peroxide. Vitamin C has the ability to save lives due to many other probable mechanisms of action, not just from its ability to produce hydrogen peroxide.

The trouble with vitamin C is that its almost impossible to take high doses orally. Most vitamin C products on the market will upset your stomach and bowels if you take too much. So, for years, taking it intravenously was the only way to get adequate doses. But now, theres a product that is less likely to upset your gastrointestinal tract if you have to take up to 1 teaspoon of it per hour mixed in a beverage. The product is BioEnR-Gy C. You can order it from Longevity Plus.

You can do a simple test to see if you are getting enough vitamin C. Longevity Plus also sells the Vitamin C VitaChek C reagent strips for urine analysis. Buy these and test your urine. If the strip is bright yellow, then you have at least 100 mg/dl of vitamin C present in your blood. This is the optimal amount of vitamin C in your system.

BioEnR-Gy provides a highly absorbable form of vitamin C which can help keep your urine test in the bright yellow range. I am confident this will assist your white blood cells in immune defense. And, you might also prevent a whole host of infections and degenerative diseases.

Ref: Niethammer, Philip, Clemens Grabher, A. Thomas Look, Timothy J. Mitchison. A tissue-scale gradient of hydrogen peroxide mediates rapid wound detection in zebrafish. Nature, 2009; 459 (7247) DOI: 10.1038/nature08119.