A Sticky Way to Treat Diabetes

While you are talking to your acupuncturist, ask him to treat your diabetes. That is right. A recent study that caught my eye for several reasons, suggests acupuncture can do wonders for diabetes.

In the study, researchers applied pressure by acupuncture pellet to specific points on the ear of their participants. They found the acupuncture increased the concentration of key antioxidant enzymes in high-risk diabetic patients. They also had significantly higher levels of SOD and catalase than controls.

I am continually amazed at the human body. In this case, simply applying pressure to key points resulted in measurable changes in critical enzymes. It simply means that regulating your energy fields or the autonomic nervous system plays a huge role in your biochemistry.

However, I am not advocating going out and getting acupuncture for your diabetes. Why not? You can treat and completely reverse many cases of diabetes with diet and supplements. And these are much cheaper. But if you want to add acupuncture to this treatment, or if you are already undergoing acupuncture, it may speed your recovery.

This study confirms the beauty and wonder of the human body, and the incredible power just contacting skin has on your cells, where these enzymes are made. It further supports acupuncture as a therapy you may want to consider for metabolic disorders as well as pain and insomnia.

Ref: Liu, C.F., L.F. Yu, et al. Effect of auricular pellet acupressure on antioxidative systems in high-risk diabetes mellitus, J Altern Complement Med, 2008; 14(3): 303-7.