Breakthrough Treatment Wipes Out Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, and Other Chronic Illness

Last month, I showed you one of the most amazing breakthroughs in medicine I’ve seen in years. If you suffer from any disease that threatens your life or your ability to live life to the fullest, then you have to read the rest of the story.

The breakthrough is the controversial Stem Cell Therapy. But this Stem Cell Therapy is unlike any you have ever heard of. The therapies you have heard about on the nightly news get the stem cells from two main sources: fetal cells and umbilical cord blood.

As a baby develops in the womb, its loaded with primitive stem cells. And the blood in the umbilical cord also is loaded. The advantage of the former (the baby itself) is that stem cells can be harvested from target organs. But there are major ethical problems — use of an aborted human baby. This is illegal in the U.S., but many offshore clinics have been using fetal cells from eastern European aborted pregnancies. But to get this therapy, you will have to travel to an unregulated clinic in a foreign country and then pay twenty-five thousand dollars or more for these cells.

Umbilical cord blood stem cells do not carry any moral or ethical problems. Its an easy routine procedure to collect cord blood from the cut cord. Once harvested, the placenta and umbilical cord cells are taken to a lab. There, lab technicians grow the cells in culture, and then doctors can administer them to patients.

Both of these procedures have some limitations. If theres not a good tissue-type match (like blood typing), the cells wont last as long as a perfect match. The cells will survive long enough to impart their growth factors into your diseased organs. But your body will eventually reject the cells after six to nine months. Nevertheless, true healing can occur with both types of stem cells and for those that can afford them, they can be lifesaving.

While the cost of umbilical cord cells is much less expensive than the fetal cells, its still pricey, ranging from $4,000 to twenty-five thousand dollars as well. These costs vary from one off-shore clinic to another depending on a great number of factors.

And that is where this new breakthrough stem cell treatment comes in. Not only does it cost much less than the other treatments, it never has any rejection issues. That is because this therapy does not use the stem cells of an aborted baby or the blood from a newborns umbilical cord. This therapy uses your own stem cells.

That is right! You still have stem cells in your body. No, you are not a newborn, nor a fetus. However, your bone marrow is simply loaded with at least two lines of stem cells — mesenchymal and hematopoietic. The latter make your blood and immune cells. The mesenchymal stem cells support the hematopoietic cells but can, themselves, differentiate into many different specialized organ and tissue cells.

However, up until recently, no one knew how to extract these stem cells and use them properly.

But David Steenblock, DO of Mission Viejo, California, changed all that. He perfected a rather inexpensive method of harvesting and delivering your own stem cells.

And Dr. Steenblock has used the therapy on hundreds of people with incredible success. Take La Rue for example. This beautiful 63-year-old woman suffered from fibromyalgia, diabetes, degenerating joints, multiple allergies, fibromyalgia-like symptoms, multiple sclerosis, and asthma.

La Rues MS was rather mild, causing balance and urinary infection and retention problems. Her energy was poor, and she needed to rest after any activity. Her blood glucose was erratic, from 50-180. She needed an albuterol inhaler for asthma and Singulair for allergies. She suffered from asthma attacks two to three times weekly needing inhalers, and a round of dangerous steroids up to three times per month.

She suffered from significant osteoarthritis (degeneration) in her knees, left ankle, shoulder and elbow, both wrists, and lower back. She needed the narcotic hydrocodone most of the time.

So La Rue went to see Dr. Steenblock twice in July 2009. He extracted her stem cells and used them to treat all of her problems. Shortly after the treatments, most if not all her joint pain cleared. She stopped taking the narcotics. All of her asthma symptoms vanished. Her muscle pains cleared. Her urinary problems went away, her balance improved, and her energy took a leap up.

Dr. Steenblock admits that there are disadvantages with his method as well. The biggest problem is that your own stem cells come tagged with your chronological age. So they may not pack the regenerative power of umbilical cord cells, which have gone through fewer cell divisions.

Stem cells are like a cat with 9 lives. As cells divide, they use up their 9 lives. By age 70 or so, they may not have too many divisions left in their fixed allotment. That means this therapy may not work as quickly for those up in age. It might take more injections of the stem cells to see real results. But many people see results within a couple of days. And others see significant improvement within a month or two.

However, there are some real advantages. Since these cells are pulled from your own bone marrow, you wont have any rejection problems. The organs they differentiate into will be with you for your natural life. In contrast, your immune system will pick off any fetal or umbilical cells after a few months.

But the biggest advantage is that this procedure is not subject to any type of FDA scrutiny. It is perfectly legal, and the feds wont bust down your doctors doors for performing it. It uses normal medical techniques that any trained doctor can do in his own clinic. Theres no need to have a hospital or operating room.

Whats more, the procedure is simple. Terri and I both had it done. You simply lie on your back while the top of your hip bone (iliac crest) is fully anesthetized. The whole area is cleansed and draped to ensure sterility. The nurse will give you a small amount of heparin IV to reduce the risk of clotting of the sampled bone marrow blood. The doctor then takes a highly specialized needle down to the bone and penetrates into the marrow either manually or with a low speed drilling device attached to the needle. He withdraws about 400cc of bone marrow blood into syringes prepared with citrate (to prevent coagulation). The blood is then added to a saline solution and immediately reinfused through an IV. The whole procedure takes about two hours.

Sounds painful, does not it? They warned Terri and me that it could be. But we barely felt some strange slight pressure during parts of the procedure. However, others are definitely sensitive to the procedure and may require light IV sedation or a narcotic.

But its all very worth it. Just ask Barbara. She is 60 years old and has severe COPD. Her lung function was 39% of normal. When she saw Dr. Steenblock, he told her that he had not yet treated COPD. But Barbara was rapidly deteriorating, losing 5% lung function per year. She was getting every cold, flu, pneumonia, and virus that came around and was repeatedly very ill. So Dr. Steenblock gave it a try. He gave her two stem cell sessions. The deterioration stopped immediately.

Today, one year since her last treatment, she has not been sick once.

Whether you have severe and deteriorating COPD, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, diabetes, macular degeneration, heart failure, or any other chronic, debilitating, and potentially life-threatening illness, this stem cell treatment is worth a try. The first macular degeneration case Dr. Steenblock treated said he had, significant and immediate improvement. And within two months, his eyes showed clear clinical improvement.

While the treatment is considerably less than those offered overseas, its still expensive. And insurance probably wont cover it. But, again, its worth it. In Mexico, some physicians charge a whopping $12,000 for this same type of bone marrow stem cell treatment.

So how much does Dr. Steenblock charge? Less than $5,000 for autologous bone marrow stem cells and other factors that are useful at directing the stem cells. The bare-bones stem cell treatment is just $2,500. This is a reasonable cost considering the materials, time, and effort aside from the incredible promise of stem cells.

Patients of Dr. Steenblock were all very eager to tell me their story. All had received autologous cells and all graciously permitted use of their real name.

Ill close with the story of Silas. Silas is now 64. His doctor diagnosed him with Parkinsons three years ago. His doctors first started him on Marpex, which helped some. Then he added Sinemet, which did not help at all. He was gradually going downhill with increasing rigidity, left-sided tremor, fatigue, and was unable to work.

Silas saw Dr. Steenblock one year ago and had 5-6 autologous stem cell infusions. His functional ability jumped from 3 to 8 (on a scale of 10). Rigidity dropped from 10 to 3. Tremor, which was worsening continuously, had stabilized and has not worsened since. He is absolutely happy with stem cells. I have not gotten any worse. Most people do [get worse], and I am better! I still take the drugs. I am scared to stop them. I am now back to work in the trucking business! I can now take care of myself.

There are some risks with bone marrow stem cells that you should know. These include penetration through your hip into the abdominal cavity or even your hip joint, the inability to get the needle out of the bone, and the inability to get the bone marrow blood back into you. In the latter case, shock could develop from blood loss. Additionally, if you are obese, the excess fat could make it difficult to do the procedure. Finally, there are the complications of bleeding, infection, nausea and vomiting (from drugs, if needed). So please get your bone marrow stem cells from an experienced physician.

Its also imperative that your doctor test to be sure you are not suffering from heavy metal poisoning, chronic infections, or hormone imbalances. Many of these are subtle and require a very good evaluation by a competent integrative doctor.

If you would like to read more testimonials from actual patients, go to Youtube and type Steenblock into the search field. You can also get more information from Dr. Steenblock’s book on Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Therapy, which is available from Amazon or his office.