The Wrong Way to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Big Pharma has been after the disease prevention market for years. Its a sure way to increase the market for their drugs. And now they think they have a way to prevent prostate cancer.

Interestingly, the drug they say prevents prostate cancer is none other than the cholesterol-lowering statins. Statins have been a huge money maker for Big Pharma, but they have a big problem. Statins cannot lower the all-cause mortality rate. That means they might lower your cholesterol, but they do not actually help you live any longer. The drug makers hope preventing prostate cancer will allow them to solve this problem.

In a recent clinical study, researchers followed 2,447 men aged between 40 and 79 years for over 15 years. They found that those taking statins were less likely to develop prostate cancer, compared to men who did not take the medicines. In fact, there was a three-fold reduction in the occurrence, say the researchers.

Problem with this research is that you do not have a statin deficiency. But you probably do have a vitamin D deficiency. So lets compare these statin results to vitamin D. British researchers reported on a small group of men with prostate cancer. They followed 26 men with recurrent prostate cancer who took vitamin D2. Five responded to the treatment. In two, the PSA level fell by more than half. In two others, it fell by 25-50%. And in one man, it fell by less than 25%. Vitamin D protected one man for 36 months.

Researchers have repeatedly shown that vitamin D reduces cancers throughout the body. In this study, they showed that it actually treats the cancer. Ive used vitamin D in large doses to help cancer patients for 15 years. Currently, I recommend 50,000 IU twice weekly.

While the researchers recommend that patients consult with a practitioner before taking vitamin D, I do not. Vitamin D deficiency is epidemic in the U.S., even in the summer. I think that 5,000 IU daily as a supplement is nearly 100% safe. That is because if we were running around in the tropics in our birthday suits, our bodies would be making even more than that.

Remember, statins may reduce death in one arena, but they do not change the all-cause mortality. That means that it will raise the risk of death by some other cause. If you want to prevent or treat prostate cancer, stick with vitamin D3. Its better than both vitamin D2 and statins. And its available from Advanced Bionutritionals.

Ref: Reuters, April 26, 2009.