Beat Sinus Infections Without Antibiotics

If you are one of the 25 million Americans who get sinusitis yearly, this report should hit home. While the commonly accepted treatment of acute sinusitis — antibiotics and steroids — is anything but effective or scientific, there are alternatives that work wonders.

A recent Journal of the American Medical Association study followed 240 patients. They had properly diagnosed sinusitis. The researchers randomized them to one of four seven-day treatment groups. These included antibiotic alone, steroid alone, both antibiotic and nasal steroid, or placebo. The nice part about the study is that the researchers gave all of the patients two medicines. They received both a pill and a topical preparation. However, they did not know if either or both were placebo or the real McCoy.

Now get this: The researchers found that neither the active antibiotic nor the steroid alone or in combination was effective!

Why do not antibiotics work? One reason is that sinusitis, like many infections, can have mixed organism culprits. Viruses and fungi are not susceptible to antibiotics. In fact, antibiotics and steroids can make these infections much worse.

In December 2007, Terri and I traveled to India. I developed an upper respiratory infection. Terri always packs up a supply of remedies. I sprayed silver hydrosol (Sovereign Silver) into my nostrils. I took loads of high-quality natural-source vitamin C (Pure Radiance C). I also shined a cold laser (888-696-6532) into my infected sinuses. Recovery was fast!

If I was home, I would have added oxidation therapy. If I were concerned about fungal origins, I would likely have added oil of oregano (Biotics ADP one to two tablets, three times daily) and olive leaf extract (d-Lenolate — one to two capsules, three times daily). These are also great for bacterial infections.

Nebulized silver hydrosol can go a long way to resolve the problem as well. Silver will attack all microorganisms and this brand is harmless to you. These products (and vitamin C) are available at most health food stores or online.

If you do not have access to oxidation therapy from an integrative physician, you might consider a home brew. Many patients have told me of fast relief. They dilute common grade 3% peroxide to 0.1% (30 ounces of water to one ounce of hydrogen peroxide) and use it in a humidifier or vaporizer.

You can speed up the clearing of your sinuses by saline rinses. Mix one-fourth teaspoon salt and one-eighth teaspoon baking soda in four ounces of warm water. Use a bulb syringe or NetiPot (877-477-8633 or to wash out your nose two to four times daily.

Quercetin is one of my favorite immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory substances. Its not like immune-suppressing topical steroids. This natural bioflavonoid can decrease mucus production and swelling by blocking the release of histamine from your immune cells. Consider 500 mg, two to three times daily. Quercetin can also be taken as a dietary supplement.

Two to six oral drops daily of SSKI (super saturated potassium iodide solution — available by prescription) or one to two drops by mouth of Lugols Solution (available online) can thin out secretions and assist your white blood cells in destroying invaders.

Ref: JAMA, December 5, 2007.