Breakthrough Treatment Wipes Out Parkinsons, Alzheimers, and Many Other Chronic Illnesses by Dr. Robert Rowen, MD

Imagine finding a cure for ALS, Parkinsons disease, degenerated joints, diabetes, cerebral palsy, and maybe even aging itself. Then imagine finding out this cure is so expensive, no one could afford to use it.

That is the predicament I found myself in a few years ago. I discovered a therapy that works with your body to cure just about any deadly disease you might have. Its not a drug. And it has no known side effects. I was so excited when I found out about it, I started to write up the story immediately. I wanted you to know about it. Then I saw the price tag.

First, you had to travel to a foreign country to get it. Then you had to pay a minimum of twenty-five thousand per treatment. And, while most people see fantastic results, no doctor can guarantee a cure. It instantly took the wind out of my sails. I could not believe I had found the discovery of a lifetime — and no one could afford it except the very wealthy.

Today, the therapy is available right here in this country. And it costs a fraction of what the other treatments cost. But is it as effective as the original therapies?

Consider the case of Geno, who lives in the Seattle area. He was just 37 when the symptoms of ALS struck. He had seen the best of the best, including two of my own famous mentors. He even saw a famous neural therapist, who detoxed him thoroughly. No help.

Geno also saw Farrand Robson, DDS. Dr. Robson is the dentist Ive told you about multiple times. He often sees miracle cures simply by using a dental splint. And hes had success with ALS. Dr. Robson fit Geno with a dental appliance. It immediately alleviated his twitches and spasms. But the weakness progressed.

By age 41, Geno was in a wheelchair, nearly unable to stand on his own. And he was unable to grip with his left hand. His speech was so slurred it took great effort to understand him.

Geno was desperate. He was willing to travel down the coast to California to try this new treatment that offered so much hope. And, boy, did it work!

Two days after his second treatment, he began to improve. After only two months of treatment, I interviewed him. He spoke so clearly, I could not tell he was sick. But heres what really amazed me. While speaking with me, he was standing on his own, without any difficulty. And he was holding the phone with his formerly useless left hand and making dinner with his right. He had his life back!

Geno received weekly treatments for about a month. Now hes scheduled every month for more treatments to keep this devastating disease in remission. Having treated several people with ALS, tears welled up in my eyes while listening to his story.

Now that you have seen this miracle therapy in action, I am sure you want to know what it is. Its a therapy you have heard about before. In fact, its been the focus of a lot of political fighting. That is because some forms of the treatment are very controversial. However, the form I am telling you about has no controversy surrounding it.

The treatment is none other than Stem Cell Therapy. Yes, this medical miracle and political hotbed is available. And your integrative physician may have access to it very soon. Whats more, this form of Stem Cell Therapy does not carry the ethical problems that many forms of the therapy have. Ill explain why a little later.

As you may know, stem cells are rather primitive cells that have the ability to differentiate (specialize) into specific types of organ cells. Remember the single cell that forms after conception? It is the most primitive unspecialized cell in our entire life. It divides and differentiates into every organ and specialized cell of your body. It has the ability to divide and develop an entire human being (toti-potent).

As that first stem cell divides, its daughter cells are also stem cells. However, these new cells are not quite so primitive. These slightly more mature stem cells have the ability to form virtually any tissues of the body (multi-potent), but no longer can form a whole human being. The cells continue to divide until they form specific parts of your body.

Unfortunately, theres an ultimate limit on how many times a cell can divide. So a stem cells vigor and ability to heal depends on how old and how many cell division cycles the cells have already been through.

So how does stem cell therapy work? Basically, it provides you with a supply of cells that have the ability to form new specialized cells, which replace worn or damaged cells in target organs. And they may provide growth factors for healing damaged tissues.

Stem cells find their way to damaged tissue to assist in repair and become part of the repaired organ. However, your body does not have an excess of free-flowing stem cells. Your organs sequester most of the stem cells in your body so they can provide new cell production for that organ.

The perfect example of this is your bone marrow (which makes new blood cells). Your bone marrow is loaded with stem cells. There are even some of these bone marrow-derived cells circulating in your bloodstream right now, but in minimal amounts.

The object of stem cell therapy is to load you up with these precious cells so that they can get to where they are most needed. These cells have the inherent wisdom to seek out the damaged area. The local environment causes them to differentiate into the proper specialized cells. Stem cells can form many different lines of specialized and totally mature cells.

All of this sounds great. But how do you get the stem cells? Up until recently, the primary source of stem cells were aborted babies or from the blood in the umbilical cord of new-born babies. You can see why the former would be so controversial. But cord blood does not carry the ethical concerns, as no one is harmed.

Proper lab techniques can extract very powerful stem cells from the cord. As a result, many hospitals outside of the U.S. now harvest the blood from the umbilical cord (this is still illegal in the U.S.). Researchers can use these cells to treat a person that suffers from a great variety of conditions. Due to the cost of isolation and growing these types of cells, however, these treatments typically run from four thousand to fifty thousand dollars. But this market is entirely outside the U.S. To get stem cell treatment, you have to go to Mexico, Costa Rica, China, etc. to get these. Until now!

A brilliant innovation has made the harvesting of stem cells relatively easy. My friend and colleague David Steenblock, DO of Mission Viejo, CA, has pioneered an in-office procedure that your doctor can do in the privacy of his office. Better yet, its safe, legal, and it costs a fraction of the offshore facilities. At this time, he has done perhaps more of these procedures than anyone else in the world.

But more importantly, Dr. Steenblock has seen phenomenal results treating fibromyalgia, diabetes, degenerating joints, allergies, multiple sclerosis, asthma, and many more health challenges.