The Worse Your Diabetes the Better This Works

Several months ago, I told you about several herbs that can control type-2 diabetes. These included aloe vera, cinnamon, and Gymnema sylvestre. All of these are great for treating diabetes. But now there is evidence that one of them actually works better the worse your condition is. A German study evaluated 79 subjects with type-2 … Read more

Lower Your Cholesterol Intake Without Changing Your Diet

Remember a few months back I told you about vinegar and diabetes? I have another fantastic tip on vinegar for you. You can blunt the effects of a high cholesterol diet by adding some vinegar! In rats, recent research suggests that just adding a small amount of acetic acid to your diet does the job. … Read more

The Truth About the Atkins Diet

You may know that I am not a big fan of the Atkins high-fat, high-protein, low-carb diet. A major reason is because it relies on ketogenesis. When you consume very few carbs, your body goes into a consumption (catabolic) state of inefficient fuel (fat) burning. That creates ketones. But your body is not designed to … Read more

The Common Nutrient That Prevents Insulin Resistance (Hint: Its not chromium)

Metabolic syndrome is the early stages of adult diabetes. Its also referred to as insulin resistance. When your body becomes resistant to insulin, your body must make more, which is not a good thing. Ive referred to insulin as the hormone of aging and death. Its one hormone you do not want to have much … Read more

Two Nutrients Break the Family Link to Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is epidemic. There are 148,000 new cases in Americans each year. Invasive cancer is difficult to treat. While prevention includes screening for polyps, you can also fight it with a good diet. But now there is evidence that two nutrients can fight it off as well as anything I am currently aware of. … Read more