This Popular Herb Fights Depression — And Bladder Problems

Heres good news for those of you with bladder problems. Urologists for years have treated bladder conditions with antidepressants. The same nerve chemicals that control mood in your brain also help control your bladders contractions. These include serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Antidepressants, known to alter the chemicals in your brain, could also impact their levels … Read more

New Hope for Type-1 Diabetics

Theres just been a major breakthrough in type-1 diabetes that could lead to a prevention or cure for the condition. It comes rather as a shock as well. You see, for decades medical dogma said that type-1 diabetes, which generally occurs in children, results from absolute death of the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. … Read more

Finally, an Effective Way to Improve Age-Related Hearing Loss

Age-related hearing loss is tough to treat. There are not many treatments – conventional or alternative — that work. Some time back, I told you about a Korean drug called Mucosta that can help age-related hearing loss. But now there is a better way. Researchers have found two nutrients that can help. Researchers recently conducted … Read more

The Mental Decline Most Seniors Should Worry About — Its Not Alzheimers — And How to Treat It

Alzheimers is one of the biggest concerns for most people over 50. But its not the most common mental problem for this age group. That is good, because Alzheimers is difficult to treat. However, cognitive decline that is due simply to age (which is different from Alzheimers disease) might be reversible. In fact, one supplement … Read more

The Hidden Carcinogen in Your Kitchen

Earlier you read that a lack of oxygen is the real cause of cancer. But I also mentioned that carcinogens can damage your cells and lead to cancer. We know a lot of carcinogens, but one that most have overlooked is probably in your kitchen. And you probably cook with it every day. Its not … Read more