How to Successfully Treat Skin Cancer

A few months ago, I told you the incredible story about a cat with severe skin cancer. His owner completely cured the cat using a hand-held laser device. At the time, there were not any cases of the laser working on human cases of skin cancer. Now there is. And, in a moment, you will … Read more

Powerful New Tool Helps You Avoid Deadly Drug Complications

You may have heard about drug interactions. These occur when you take two or more drugs and they can work together to cause dangerous, even lethal problems. In the last 10 years or so, we have told you that nutritional supplements and even natural foods can also interact with prescription drugs. Some of these interactions … Read more

Keep the Environment — and Yourself — Healthy

A few months ago, I told you about the dangers of Teflon, the non-stick surface used on many pots and pans. I showed you how the main ingredient of Teflon (PFOA) can cause everything from cancer to birth defects. But what most people do not realize is that this chemical is found in a lot … Read more

Why You Are More Likely to Get Hurt by Conventional Medicine Than Alternative Medicine

The Institute of Medicine recently released some sobering statistics: Medication errors injure a staggering 1.7 million Americans every year. Of those, 7,000 die. The economic cost is $3.5 billion. And this cost does not include human suffering or costs from lost productivity. These figures also hide other horrible facts about our cut and drug system. … Read more

What to Expect From Government Health Care

With the campaign for the 2008 presidential election well underway, people are paying more attention to health care. Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has received quite a bit of attention. Hes working to impose the first state-run health insurance system. Since your medical freedom is one of my top priorities, lets take a quick look at … Read more