When You Should Treat Normal Blood Pressure — And How to Do It With Safer, Natural Alternatives

If you are like the millions of Americans with high blood pressure, you may be perplexed at what to do about it. Your doctor and the daily TV commercials probably have you scared to death about your blood pressure. They tell you that your blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attacks. And … Read more

The Case Against Oxygen Therapy

Ive told you about oxygen therapy for years. Ive showed you how it can work wonders in a lot of different ailments. But now a new report says breathing 100% oxygen is not good for you. What! How could that be? After all, these oxygen therapies provide miraculous cures for thousands of people. The report … Read more

Another Fantastic Hiking Trip — This One in Bali

In mid-spring, Terri and I took a well-earned vacation to the beautiful island of Bali. So there I was, on a tropical island, with the third highest mountain in Indonesia looking down on me every day. It was tearing me up. I had gone to Bali to rest, but I was on the same island … Read more

Do not Eat Green Potatoes!

I’ve told you for years not to eat many potatoes. Yes, they are a staple food in America and worldwide, largely because they are so easy to grow. But they just do not have much nutritional value. And they are a starch, which means they contribute to diabetes and metabolic syndrome. However, theres a better … Read more

Be Friendly to Your Bacteria

Would it surprise you to learn that 90% of the cells in your body are bacteria? It surprised doctors! But do not go running for the soap. Most of these bacteria are good for you! Heres why doctors were so surprised — and how you should react: For over a century, medical dogma insisted that … Read more