The Easiest Way to Prevent Cancer and Live Longer

Ive told you in the past that the best way to live longer is to keep your calories low. But science has now found a way to obtain the same effect without restricting yourself. Interested? What if I told you theres an added benefit? This same mechanism also can prevent cancer. Heres how it works. … Read more

Vitamin E’s Rediscovered Twin Unclogs Arteries and Lowers Cholesterol

You may have heard of the popular nutrient tocopherol. Actually, you are probably more familiar with its common name – vitamin E. Ive used tocopherols in my practice for years to fight heart disease, cancer, and to boost the overall immune system. Its a very powerful nutrient. But you probably have not heard that tocopherol … Read more

How Heart Failure Patients Can Reduce Their Risk of Dying by 36%

If you are one of the millions with heart failure, be sure to demand a homocysteine test from your physician. A new study says that your life is in danger if your levels are high. But it also suggests that lowering your levels could extend your life significantly. According to the researchers, over one-third of … Read more

Research Finds Antioxidant Therapies Do Not Interfere With Radiation Treatment

In a recent issue, I told you that radiation does have its place in cancer treatment, but only at low doses. Radiation is a very powerful drug that kills everything in its path – including healthy cells. And oncologists use far too much of it. Even worse, they tell you to avoid supplements while you … Read more

The Only Way to Raise Your Good Cholesterol for Free

If you are looking for the cheapest way to improve your good cholesterol, look no further than the one that is free – exercise. Researchers recently analyzed 25 randomized and controlled studies. With 120 minutes of exercise per week, you can increase your HDL cholesterol by 2.53 mg/dL. Every 10-minute increase in exercise duration can … Read more