The Nutrient That Stops Heart Disease, Cancer — And Now Diabetes

Some months back, I told you how capsaicin, which is in cayenne, can kill cancer cells. But that is not all this super herb can do. Researchers have even used it intravenously to reverse type-1 diabetes. Now, this super herb can reduce inflammation caused by obesity! Inflammation is necessary to protect you from invaders and … Read more

When Taking Anti-oxidants Is the Wrong Thing to Do

As an alternative-minded doctor, I use supplements to treat a lot of ailments. One of the main characteristics of these supplements is something you are probably very familiar with – antioxidants. These antioxidants are strong enough to treat many illnesses. But they are also strong enough to create a lot of problems. In fact, a … Read more

The Only Statin That Lowers Cholesterol and Helps You Live Longer

Ive told you many times about the pressure tactics Big Pharma and even the government are using to statinize us all. The brainwashing program is all over magazines and television. While statins do lower cholesterol, theres not much evidence to support that they lower your risk of dying from heart disease. In fact, no one … Read more

Quick Way to Boost Falling Energy Levels

If you are a senior and have failing energy, the first place to look at is your diet, then thyroid. After that, you might want to consider a popular nutrient that helps your aging brain. It can reduce cognitive decline and boost your energy levels. The nutrient is acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC). ALC is a super functional … Read more

More Proof That Antiperspirants Cause Cancer

Breast cancer is exploding in women and occurring with more frequency in men. There are many possible causes. But one concern Ive raised in the past now has even more scientific proof behind it. Several years ago, I wrote about the potential problems with antiperspirants, particularly those containing aluminum. Aluminum compounds help wick up the … Read more