If You Suddenly Lose Your Hearing, Take These Nutrients Immediately!

Sudden hearing loss is a terrible tragedy. Its called sensorineural hearing loss. Its believed that acute inflammation affecting the inner ear hair cells or the auditory nerve is the cause of this hearing loss. But the true cause remains unknown. And conventional medicine does not have much to offer for treatment. Doctors will typically use … Read more

Miracles of Medicine: The Best Way to Get Wounds to Heal Fast

My daughter recently had a minor accident that caused some skin injury. She used my cold red laser to treat it. The healing was so fast, it impressed one of her friends. So when he had an accident, he asked to borrow the laser. Heres what happened to Jason, in his own words: I recently … Read more

A Simple Way for Diabetics to Prevent Blocked Arteries

I’ve told you in the past that one of your worst enemies is too much inflammation. It can cause serious swelling in your blood vessels. This is especially dangerous if you are diabetic, as the disease already causes enough vascular inflammation. Now a new study shows that one nutrient can help you keep this type … Read more

This Statin Increases Your Risk for Heart Attack

Imagine taking your car to a paint shop and asking them to fix the cars rust problem. When you get the car back, you find out that they just painted over the rust. Sure, it looks good. But inside, the rust is still eating away at your car. And, within a year, the rust will … Read more

The Overlooked Way to Prevent Eye Damage

Conventional medicine has long held that age-related macular degeneration (AMD) was simply a disease caused by aging (thus, the name). However, Ive seen such dramatic results with supplements that I knew diet had to play a factor. Well, new research shows just that. The evidence comes from a growing association between diabetes and AMD. Science … Read more