Have Victory Over Tuberculosis Singlehandedly

Back before antibiotics came along, doctors used a popular nutrient to treat tuberculosis. But once drugs took over, most doctors completely forgot about it. Today, new evidence suggests that this nutrient is still one of the best treatments we have for this disease. The nutrient is vitamin D. It certainly makes sense with what we … Read more

Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes by 29%

I do not want to overdo a good thing, but when it comes to one of my favorite vitamins, the news just keeps getting better. Now researchers have found that this vitamin reduces the risk of devastating type-1 diabetes by 29%. While this disease is most common in children, this news affects everyone over the … Read more

How to Reduce Your Risk of Breathing Disorders by 38%

Do you have trouble breathing? You may have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This disease includes such breathing disorders as asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis, and emphysema. The number of people who have one of these disorders is growing rapidly. But theres good news. According to a new study, theres a no-cost way to experience … Read more

The Easiest Way to Increase Bone Density, Reduce Heart Attack Risk, and Boost Your Overall Health

How would you like to take one product and reduce your heart attack risk, increase your bone density, and boost your overall health? Well, if you ask the national media, theyll tell you its not possible. But two new studies say it is. In a group of elderly people, a multivitamin/mineral significantly improved their nutritional … Read more

How to Prevent Macular Degeneration Without Supplements

If you do not already have macular degeneration, theres a good chance you will. The eye problem is becoming all-too common. And no matter what, its no picnic to treat. Fortunately, a new study shows you how to prevent it. In the study, researchers followed 398 women aged 52-74. Those with higher dietary intake of … Read more