How You Scored a Big Victory Against Monsanto

Years ago, the chemical company Monsanto found a way to increase a cows milk production. All they had to do was inject the cow with Bovine Growth Hormone. However, this hormone is very similar to your own growth hormone. Even a little too much can raise your risk of cancer. In cows, it leads to … Read more

Can You Lower Your Cholesterol by Eating Cholesterol?

Did you know you that eating cholesterol can reduce your cholesterol? It can if you eat the right kind. New research shows that plant cho-lesterol can lower your overall cholesterol. Theres a class of plant chemical called phytosterols. These compounds look a lot like our own cholesterol. Our cells use cholesterol to maintain cell membrane … Read more

Reduce Your Risk of Cataracts by 18%

I get a lot of interest in the cataract eye drops I developed. (You can find these on the website.) However, its much better to prevent cataracts in the first place. Ive told you how glutathione in your lens is protective. Now we have evidence that other antioxidants are helpful as well. A large study … Read more

The Next Major Drug Scandal — Antidepressants

In the past, Ive told you that antidepressants really are not that effective. Sure, they can numb your emotions so you do not have wild mood swings. But the drugs do not have any real science behind them. And the science that is there is quite alarming. These drugs can kill. And their very existence … Read more

Breast Cancer Breakthrough! Reverse Breast Disease in Months

Last month, I told you about a major breakthrough in treating prostate disorders. The treatment is a novel form of chelation, through suppositories. This treatment can work wonders on all prostate diseases, including enlargement and cancer. These suppositories work because of their high absorption rate and because they remove heavy metals. And Ill show you … Read more