Is Dirty Electricity Weakening Your Health?

Living in the modern age carries comfort as well as risks. You know that theres risk to your use and exposure of chemicals, drugs, synthetic materials of all kinds. But these are physical substances. Did you know that the electricity in your own home or workplace could be polluted as well? Are you aware that … Read more

Is This Cancer Cure 100% Effective?

This report is almost too hard to believe. Its a cure for cancer that is 100% safe and possibly that effective. Cancer journals even have acknowledged its effectiveness. Yet you wont see Big Pharma or our government-sponsored cancer research puppets getting it out there. Its just too cheap, simple, safe, and effective. If you have … Read more

Do-It-Yourself Oxidation Therapy to Fight the Flu

I do not want to be an alarmist. But I am getting an increasing number of messages and inquiries about avian flu. Theres growing concern that it could be weaponized, much like anthrax or small pox. Furthermore, even if its not deliberately tampered with, theres a growing risk that some type of flu epidemic is … Read more

Why You Should Lick Your Cuts — Even Though Your Mouth Is Full of Harmful Bacteria

When I was in medical school, I learned that the human mouth is second only to the colon in harboring horrific deadly germs. A human bite wound can create a devastating infection. When working the ER, I saw plenty of infections from fist fights. So why is it, that when we cut ourselves, its instinct … Read more

Stop Heart Attacks and Memory Loss for Free

Everybody knows that regular exercise can help prevent a heart attack. But did you know that it can also rejuvenate a heart that is failing? A new study shows that people over the age of 60 can help their heart become young again simply by exercising more. In the study, researchers examined six men and … Read more