Why Less Health Care — Not More — Is the Solution to Our Health Care Crisis

Everywhere I turn, even in the midst of an economic calamity, I see calls and legislation for greater health coverage for everyone. Private employers are paring back health benefits to survive, but governments across the board are preparing to borrow to shell out billions that they do not have. According to a study by the … Read more

Reduce Glaucoma Risk by Up to 95%?

Glaucoma is one of the most difficult eye diseases to treat. Once you have it, theres not much you can do to stop it. The best solution is prevention. And you can reduce your risk by up to 95%. Heres how: Researchers have told us for decades that the best way to prevent glaucoma is … Read more

How to Protect Your Heart From a High-Salt Diet

If you eat a lot of commercial salt (not healthy salts like Celtic and Himalayan), you can protect your heart without changing your diet. At least that is what a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association says. In this study, researchers fed two groups of rats a diet loaded with … Read more

Stop the Damage Caused by Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you probably know that you have a very high risk of getting severe vascular disease. In particular, high blood sugar leads to more Age Related Glycation (AGE) products. You also suffer a loss of an important vascular protecting enzyme called prostacyclin by up to 70%. And you suffer from an increase … Read more

More Proof That Vaccines Maim and Kill

As you probably know, I am not a fan of vaccines. It does not matter if you are an infant, a teenager, or older, all vaccines have problems. The latest example of these problems is the Gardisil vaccine, which doctors pump into young teenage girls allegedly to protect them from cervical cancer. But the vaccine … Read more