Cut Your Risk of Stroke in Half With Two-Supplement Combination

Did you know that you can cut your risk of stroke in half? All you have to do is make sure you are not deficient in two vitamins. A recent study showed that if you are in the lowest levels group of these particular B vitamins, your risk of stroke doubles. The study followed 779 … Read more

This Nutrient Could Save Your Eyes if Your Are Diabetic

Now that you know how well curcumin works for diabetes, theres a nutrient that can help protect your eyes. Diabetes can lead to retinopathy, which is degeneration in the key nerve layer of your eyes. Diabetes lowers the ability of the retinal cells to take up manganese. In a study on rats with experimental diabetic … Read more

Protect Yourself From the Damage Caused by a High-Fat Diet

For years, the main nutrient diabetics heard about was chromium. Chromium can work wonders if you are deficient, but it does not work across the board for every diabetic. Big Pharma makes its share of dangerous drugs to treat the condition. While the drugs work to fill Pharmas coffers, they raise morbidity and mortality for … Read more

This Tasty Treat Also Lowers High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

As you may know, I eat a very healthy diet. But I do have indulgences. And one of my biggest is dark chocolate. I have some a few times per week. If you are a chocolate lover as well, you probably know that our mutual passion might not be so unhealthy. It has some wonderful … Read more

How to Beet Colon Cancer, Angina, and Lower Your Cholesterol

In last months issue, I showed you how beets can lower your high blood pressure. But theres so much more the lowly beet can do to protect your health. Heres how it can prevent colon cancer, stop angina, lower cholesterol, and more. I explained last month how beets produce nitric oxide (NO) in your body. … Read more