The Wrong Way to Fight Antibiotic-Resistant Infections

You may have heard that many bacterial infections have become resistant to antibiotics. Its a very serious situation if you have one of these infections, as it could kill you. And conventional medicine has had nothing to offer you — until now. Unfortunately, they have missed the boat — again. Let me explain. Researchers have … Read more

Relief for Excruciating Chronic Pain

Barbara A. is 42. Shes had MS since 1991. It began as relapsing MS (where symptoms are not constant). But over time, it worsened to progressive MS. An MRI showed she had three new lesions on her brain before she left for treatment. She was in incredible and constant pain. Her doctors gave her an … Read more

The Hidden Link Between Mouthwash and High Blood Pressure

If you are like most people, you love fresh breath. You probably brush your teeth two or three times a day. And you may even use mouthwash. But did you know that the mouthwash you are using has a dirty little secret? It may lead to high blood pressure and sexual problems in men. How … Read more

Why 5-Year Survival Rates Are a Scam?

As you can see from this months article on mammograms, our medical establishment has fuzzy math when it comes to cancer detection. But its not just in mammograms. The entire detect it early propaganda and the 5-year survival rate stats also are fraudulent. The misconception is that if you detect cancers early enough, you can … Read more

Is the IRS About to Become the Health Care Enforcer?

Its bad enough that doctors have medical boards, the FDA, and other regulatory agencies in our offices to stand between you and outstanding medical care. Well, its about to get worse. The proposed Obama-care reforms could very well add the IRS to the interaction. Yes, I said the Internal Revenue Service. The current bill under … Read more