What to Take With Probiotics to Reduce CRP

While probiotics by themselves do not have a dramatic impact on C-reactive protein (CRP), theres something you can take along with them that will reduce this vascular disease marker. As you may know, CRP is a marker for inflammation in your body. It does not identify the specific location of inflammation. However, it strongly suggests … Read more

Suffer From Arthritis and Other Inflammatory Conditions? Treat Your Gut!

If you suffer from arthritis, bursitis, pancreatitis, or any other inflammatory condition (all of them end with itis), there is a surprising new way to treat your condition. All you have to do is treat your gut. That is right! Many inflammatory conditions start in your digestive tract. And a new study shows how you … Read more

Can a Supplement Really Suppress Your Appetite?

For years, overweight Americans have been searching for a diet pill that will significantly reduce their appetite. Thousands of products have promised to suppress your appetite. But they soon disappeared after people found out they did not work. That is very common. Most supplements wont suppress your appetite. But now there may be one that … Read more

Mammograms INCREASE Your Risk of Breast Cancer by 57%

For years, Ive told my readers that mammograms do little to increase your life span if you have breast cancer. If you have a tumor, mashing the breast (and the tumor) will likely spread the cells. So Ive been absolutely against routine screening. Even the new guidelines do not go far enough. They recommend mammography … Read more

Why Men With Prostate Cancer Must Drink Green Tea

Its very rare for a month to go by and I do not see some new research on green tea. Its a fabulous beverage that Ive told you about for years. In fact, I drink it almost every day. I like green tea so much and study it so in-depth that I thought it would … Read more