Do Statins Really Prevent Cancer?

Sometimes I receive a question from a subscriber that is so good I have to share it with as many people as I can. Such is the case with todays health alert. David sent me an e-mail with the following question: Dr. Rowen, I just recently heard that statins prevent cancer. With all you have … Read more

Lower Your Blood Pressure and Your Cholesterol With One Little Seed.

Ive told you in the past about phytochemicals. These chemical compounds occur naturally in plants and are extremely important to your health. The more we learn about these compounds, the more we realize just how important they are. Now a new study shows that phytochemicals from seed can significantly lower your blood pressure. In this … Read more

What the Massachusetts Election Means To Your Health

I tend to stay out of non-medical politics in my writings. After all, you subscribed to get and stay healthy. But the recent win in Massachusetts of the long shot Republican is a most telling story, especially for Obama-care. Senator Ted Kennedy was a stalwart champion of socialized medicine, and Big Brother sitting in between … Read more

How Osteoporosis Can Lead To Cancer.

Ive told you in the past about serious problems with bisphosphonates, a specific class of osteoporosis drugs. They can actually cause you to lose bone! But these drugs are even worse than we thought. Its bad enough that these drugs can induce a catastrophic death to your jawbone called osteonecrosis. Its bad enough that these … Read more

Cut Your Risk Of Colon Cancer In Half

Ive always said its a lot easier to prevent cancer than fight cancer. This is especially true with colon cancer. Once colon cancer hits, its very difficult to treat successfully. Fortunately, you can prevent most cases of colon cancer. In fact, its fairly easy to do. All you need to do is drink a lot … Read more