Common Root Helps Speed Digestion and Gets Rid of Bloating

Its no secret in the alternative medicine community that ginger is great for your stomach. We have known for generations that it settles nausea and stomach upset. But it does a lot more than that. A new study suggests it also helps your digestion when you are not sick.

In the study, researchers gave 24 healthy volunteers ginger supplements (three capsules totaling 1,200 mg daily). They found that the ginger stimulated stomach peristalsis (normal contractions) and helped empty their stomachs faster to a meal. That means it speeds digestion.

So if you have feelings of fullness or bloating long after you eat, try eating some ginger or drinking some organic ginger ale. Both are safe and readily available. You can even make your own ginger ale. There are recipes available on the Internet.

Ref: Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2008; 20(5).