Fluoride Finally Classified as a Carcinogen

It is said as California goes, so goes the nation. Well, in the most recent news about fluoride, I hope the saying is true.

Californians, in 1986, passed proposition 65. This law mandates public posting of chemical hazards. Any chemical that can cause cancer, birth or reproductive defects is subject to public posting. You can see such warnings at gas station pumps.

The state has Qualified Experts who are advisors to the California EPA Office of Health Hazard Assessment. These members have found that fluoride merits the highest cancer-causing priority they can recommend. That means fluoride is subject to further review for inclusion on the list.

As you would expect, the American Dental Association lobbyists and the Personal Care Products Council vigorously protested. These groups oppose further evaluation of fluoride as a carcinogen.

We have fought the fight against fluoride for decades. Now we may finally be making some inroads. Its about time those in control started to listen.

Ref: Citizens for Safe Drinking Water, June 9, 2009.