Get a Great Nights Sleep Without Drugs or Supplements

As you may know, stress can kill you. And one of the most common types of stress is insomnia. When you cant sleep, it affects your entire body. Americans spend billions on sleeping pills to get some sleep. But you do not have to buy pills. Theres an easier way to get some restful sleep.

An acupressure device which applies pressure to a specific acupuncture point on your wrist might help you sleep. A recent study on 40 subjects tested the device to evaluate its ability to induce sleep. The study was double blind, the best kind.

The researchers used the device to apply gentle pressure to the HT-7 point, also known as Shen Men. The device improved the quality of sleep and reduced anxiety.

The participants wore the device (or a placebo) for 20 nights. Those receiving the directed stimulation also had improvement in melatonin metabolism.

Insomnia has a significant impact on the quality of life. We know that millions are taking chemicals that can be addictive — and costly. Supplements like melatonin are very useful, but they do not help everyone. Heres another means to get sleep and avoid chemicals.

If you suffer from insomnia, take this information to a local acupuncturist who should be able to help you get a competent stimulating device. There are many available on the Internet. But talk to your acupuncturist to make sure you are getting a quality product.

Ref: Nordio, M., F. Romanelli, et al. Efficacy of wrists overnight compression (HT 7 point) on insomniacs: possible role of melatonin? Minerva Med, 2008; 99(6): 539-47.