How to Keep Prostate Cancer From Growing Twice as Fast

If you are as concerned about cancer, especially prostate, as I am, this information is big news. It confirms much of what I have been telling you about fatty acids and prostate cancer for the last five years. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (commonly called essential fatty acids — EFA — since our bodies cannot manufacture them) must be kept in ideal balance for ideal health and cancer prevention. A recent study showed how prostate cancer will actually grow twice as fast if your ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is out of balance.

In the study, researchers added omega-6 fatty acids to the growth medium of prostate cancer cells. The cancer cells then grew twice as fast. Earlier work by the same team found that a particular omega-6 fatty acid called arachidonic acid stimulated production of an enzyme called (cPLA-2). This enzyme caused a chain of biochemical reactions that led to tumor growth.

The researchers then followed this finding upstream. They discovered that the raw material for arachidonic acid is commonly found in corn or soy oil and increases the enzyme PI-3 kinase.

The study’s lead author is Millie Hughes-Fulford, PhD. She is the scientific advisor to the U.S. Under- Secretary for Health for the Department of Veterans Affairs. She said that PI-3 kinase is known to be a key player in cancers development. Omega-6 oils are the raw material for arachidonic acid and, therefore, the stimulus for both enzymes. Dr. Hughes-Fulford noted that the typical American diet may be as much as 20:1 omega-6:omega-3. This is five times greater than the ideal balance of 4:1, which is what I advocate.

I have previously told you that analyses of prostate cancer have de-monstrated excess omega 6:omega 3. All of this tells me that your intake of fat has a direct impact on your future development of prostate cancer. And I assure you that all cancer development will be similarly affected.

But it goes far further than that. This research shows that the omega-6 line promotes inflammation that can lead to the cancer. Adding an anti-inflammatory drug stopped the genetic pathways and stopped the tumor growth. Hmmm, Ive said for years that the ideal anti-inflammatory is not a drug, but omega-3 fatty acids! They provide the proper balance to the omega-6s and keep them in check.

Its absolutely vital that you keep your fat intake as balanced as you can, and avoid corn and soy oil. There are enough fats contained in whole foods and these are generally in the right balance. Green leafy vegetables are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, believe it or not. You will also get abundant omega-3 in walnuts, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds. I grind a tablespoon of flaxseeds every night and add it to my salad. Most American beef has far too much omega-6 from feeding grain (like corn) to cattle to fatten them. Grass-fed beef will be richer in omega-3, since grass is a green leafy vegetable for cows.

If you must use oil, limit it to olive, macadamia nut, coconut oil, or flax oil. But do not cook with flax oil. Its too unstable. (I use only extra virgin organic olive oil and organic flax oil in my homemade salad dressing.)

Ref: Cancer Research, February. 1, 2006.