How You Can Send Me to Jail

Ive made a lot of enemies through the years because of my fight for medical freedom. Unfortunately, my fight for freedom is about to get a lot harder. In fact, if the new universal medicine legislation making its way through Washington becomes law, I could go to jail.

Heres why: Imagine coming to me for treatment and you get better. That is great, right? Of course it is. But if you do not tell the government what you saw me for, then I go to jail. Its that simple. And its coming.

The Obama Administration wants to put all of our medical records in a computer database. It sounds good. After all, it would help doctors see all of your medical records, which would reduce mistakes. But the government ultimately wants a certified electronic health record for everyone in the country by 2014. And the government will control all of these records. The government is spending lavishly to this end.

Of course, the government promises it will maintain scrupulous privacy practices. The Washington Times shows why this is a problem: The issue is not whether the personal health information government commandeers will be abused.

Instead, it is simply a question of when, where, and how it will be exploited.

And who are the sponsors of this draconian piece of work? Those who take huge contributions from Pharmas blood money. You can well imagine that the FDA and its cronies will use this database of 300 million Americans to return the favors to Big Pharma. Imagine what they can accomplish knowing what doctors are prescribing. Imagine what a government agent could have over you if he had instant access to your medical history. And, imagine your physician in jail or otherwise punished for not complying with turning over your most private information to a computerized database.

For me, putting your confidential information into a system that is accessible by others would be a terrible violation of my medical oath to do no harm. I urge you to inform your congressional civil servants you are opposed to their mandate of electronic medical records. You can find their contact information at and