Improve Your Memory With This Simple Trick

Through the years, Ive told you a lot of ways to improve your memory. But heres one of the easiest.

Researchers at the Manchester University in England did a memory study by giving people a list of words to remember. They tested to see if one simple motion would improve the participants scores. Those who used this trick remembered 10% more words than those who did not . And those who did not use the trick falsely remembered 15% more lure words.

So what is this simple memory enhancer? All you have to do is move your eyes horizontally side to side for about 30 seconds.

That is it. It sounds too simple. You may wonder how this could ever help your memory.

Researchers believe that these eye movements make the two sides of your brain interact more. The better they communicate, the better your memory will be. Researchers are not yet sure if this finding will have practical use. But it cant hurt to try it — maybe it will save you time searching for those lost keys!

Ref:, April 25, 2007.