Living in the modern age carries comfort as well as risks. You know that theres risk to your use and exposure of chemicals, drugs, synthetic materials of all kinds. But these are physical substances. Did you know that the electricity in your own home or workplace could be polluted as well? Are you aware that it can significantly raise your risk of degenerative disease? Could your diabetes, cancer, or childs behavior problems be related to something coming out of your power outlets?
The answer is yes. And what you are about to read is a serious problem we all face every day.
All of us use electricity. Its in our homes, our workplaces, and every store we frequent. Electricity is a fact of life and one that you cant avoid.
Electricity comes into your home through alternating current, or AC. This electricity produces a smooth wave which is very clean. While there could be health effects to us from exposure to the fields created by this energy, it is not likely to be that significant based on my research. And, I would not want to give up lights and refrigeration unless you could absolutely prove to me a problem.
While this electricity is clean, there is electricity that is not so clean. When you and your neighbors use certain electrical equipment, they input frequency noise into your circuits. This exposes you to a much higher frequency called dirty electricity. You can easily hear this noise. Just get close to a fluorescent light bulb. Its shooting lots of noise into your wiring. This noise shoots in lots of sharp spikes into that smooth wave.
Computers, compact fluorescents, televisions, transformers of all kinds, and many electrical equipment, like even your dimmer switches, are pumping electrical noise into your home. This noise is akin to a chemical factory pumping smoke into otherwise clean air. Just as the air becomes dirty, your electricity becomes dirty. Were now finding that this dirty electricity can cause serious health problems.
One recent article from Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine detailed a study about the impact of dirty on diabetes. According to the study, dirty electricity can elevate your blood sugar and perhaps contribute to a false diagnosis of diabetes. The researchers followed four type-1 and type-2 diabetics. With exposure to clean electricity, the type-1 needed less insulin. The type-2 diabetics had lower blood sugar. One subjects blood glucose dropped and rose 30 mg/dL within 20 minutes of moving back and forth from dirty to clean electricity. Those are huge glucose numbers to change unrelated to eating.
But that is not all. Another study followed the health of teachers in three Minnesota schools over eight weeks after the researchers cleaned the dirty electricity from their schools. In the middle and elementary schools, teachers saw an improvement in headaches, general weakness, dry eyes/mouth, facial flushing, asthma, skin irritation, and mood/depression.
Behavior in the older students did not change. But elementary/middle school students were more active in class; more responsive, more focused; had fewer health complaints; and had a better overall learning experience.
The American Journal of Industrial Medicine published a third study where researchers investigated a La Quinta, California middle school. This school had an unusually high cluster of cancer among its teachers. Between 1988 and 2005, the school hired 137 teachers. Of these, 16 acquired 18 different cancers during this period. Overall, their risk of all cancers was 2.78 times the normal. For melanoma, it was 9.8 times. Thyroid, a relatively rare cancer, bore a risk of 13.3 and uterine cancer, 9.2.
The researchers found that exposure to unadulterated 60-cycle fields showed no elevated risk. However, the researchers utilized a new electrical sampling tool. Its a meter developed by David Stetzer, an electrical engineer. The meter measures high frequency voltage transients (HFVT) in electrical wiring.
Increasing exposure to HFVT raised the cancer risk by 64%. Just a single year of employment in the school increased the teachers cancer risk an awful 21%. The statistical significance of the elevated risk was huge. The odds that chance alone could have caused it are less than one in a million. The FDA is pleased if mere chance of improvement with a chemical drug is only 5 in 100 (5%).
Fortunately, there is a great remedy for the problem. You can definitely protect yourself. First, you need to measure the amount of dirty electricity in your home and office. The Graham-Stetzer meter makes it easy. You simply plug it in and read the number which measures GS units. GS units are a measurement of high frequency energy present on the buildings wires. If it is above 30, that indicates higher than desirable HFVT in your wires. When I tested my home, I found circuits well above 400. When I unplugged various electrical equipment, like a compact fluorescent, it fell sharply. But I could never get it below 30.
Then I tried an electrical filter Stetzer designed. You simply plug it into extra outlets. They short out the HFVT. About 20 are needed for an average-sized home.
I got several of these, plugged them in all over the place, and watched as the meter readings dropped to 15.
Stetzer makes and distributes these filters. They do work. I have interviewed many people using them and there has been improvement in behavior in children, improvement in psychological disorders, and medical disorders.
The filters do not consume any billable electricity. So, theres no ongoing expense to clean your power.
The filters are expensive. If your house is not affected, return the package. You have lost nothing. But if your readings are high, I strongly suggest plugging in the filters permanently. You also might want to take a look at the book The Body Electric by Robert Becker to see how electricity affects living tissue.
In this case, prevention is priceless compared to treatment. Prevent your exposure to dirty electricity today!
Ref: Milham, Samuel, MD, MPH and L. Lloyd Morgan, BS. A New Electromagnetic Exposure Metric: High Frequency Voltage Transients Associated With Increased Cancer Incidence in Teachers in a California School, American Journal of Industrial Medicine (2008); Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 27: 135–146, 2008; Havasa, Magda and Angela Olstadb. Power quality affects teacher wellbeing and student behavior in three Minnesota Schools, Environmental and Resource Studies, 21 April 2008