Lower Your Blood Pressure and Your Cholesterol With One Little Seed.

Ive told you in the past about phytochemicals. These chemical compounds occur naturally in plants and are extremely important to your health. The more we learn about these compounds, the more we realize just how important they are. Now a new study shows that phytochemicals from seed can significantly lower your blood pressure.

In this study, researchers gave participants either 100 mg daily of the seed Nigella sativa, 200 mg daily, or a placebo. Nigella sativas common name is black cumin seed. Historians tell us people have used this seed for medical purposes as far back as the time of King Tutankhamen in Egypt.

And now we know why. Black cumin seed is a potent source of phytochemicals. So powerful that these researchers found it reduces both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Whats more, it also reduces total and LDL cholesterol as well.

I have to admit that I am not very familiar with black cumin seed. This is the first time Ive written about it. And I have no personal experience with it. But I do know the power of phytochemicals. So if you have mild hypertension, I think its worth trying. There are no known side effects. And some reports suggest it may help with your digestion too.

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