Miracles of Medicines: Permanently Eliminate Pain in Minutes

Here is a miracle I would not have believed if I were not there to witness it. At the spring 2006 ICIM meeting in Chicago, a previously unknown chiropractor delivered a talk about his technique for instantly relieving pain. He claimed to immediately restore motion and eliminate pain.

I listened with curiosity and healthy skepticism. Then he performed his technique on at least 10 of my esteemed colleagues including some very famous ones.

Take Ted Roczema, MD, former president of ACAM and ICIM, for instance. Some 20 years ago, he broke four bones in his lower back. The bones healed, but the injury left him with chronic pain that did not respond to anything. In five minutes, Dr. Kaufman had him 100% free of pain, just by mild targeted manual pressure.

Then there was Bob Battle, MD, of Texas, who suffered from a frozen shoulder. Ive had cervical disc disease for 30 years with restricted range of motion and chronic discomfort when I turn my head. In just a few minutes with Dr. Kaufman, I am rotating 90 degrees to either side — pain free. I was also unable to raise my arm prior to the treatment. In minutes, I was able to raise my arm to 180 degrees with much less pain.

My friend John Trowbridge, MD of Texas (author of the Yeast Connection) said, For nine months, Ive suffered with left sacroiliac/lower lumbar pain. With just one session of less than five minutes of this treatment, my low back pain was 80% better. The next day, it was 90% better. WOW! I gotta learn how to do this stuff!

Dr. Kaufmans technique is not revolutionary. He bases it on the most simple but solid physiologic principles of the musculoskeletal system. What is revolutionary is that he is the first to fully employ the natural reflexes of the body to generate instant healing.

So how does it work? All muscles have opposing muscles (flexion vs. extension). When one muscle contracts, its opposition must relax. Your nervous system automatically relaxes the opposing muscle by reflex. When you are in pain or have trigger points, that muscle is in a state of contraction.

Dr. Kaufman simply goes to opposing muscles and stimulates neurological receptors in their tendons by a stretch, while simultaneously apply a bit of pressure to the painful area. The nervous system thinks the opposing muscle is contracting. It then instantly and reflexively releases the contracted muscle to a new stretch set point. The neurological and muscular memory of the old contracted set point is erased and pain is eliminated. The trick is to know the opposition muscles and precisely apply proper pressure.

Dr. Kaufman has trained many in his techniques and has instructional DVDs available. This does not involve manipulation or penetration. So its 100% safe. His training DVDs are available to health professionals. Dr. Kaufmans contact number is 800-774-5078.