If you are one of the millions of adult Americans with heartburn, this report is sure to bring you great hope. I am going to tell you about a safe and incredibly effective option that can rid you of heartburn for good.
You read that right! A Brazilian study has shown that you can completely eliminate heartburn (also known as GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease) with some common and inexpensive dietary supplements.
In the study, Dr. Ricardo Pereira followed 351 patients with heartburn. They entered his surveillance program between January 2001 and December 2005. Their average age at the beginning of the study was 44 years, with a range from 18 to 88 years. And 60% of them were women. All of the participants were screened with endoscopy to be sure that there were no acute breaks in their intestinal lining.
The study was single blind. That means that the subjects themselves did not know what they were receiving, but the researchers did. Participants had to have moderate to severe heartburn or regurgitation at least weekly. They were divided into two separate groups. The group with 175 subjects received supplements. The second group, with 176 participants, received a popular proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole — 20 mg daily). Participants kept symptom diaries on a scale of 0-4. Zero was no pain, and 4 was terrible pain. With only seven days of treatment, the subjects taking the dietary supplements had some relief of their symptoms. After 40 days, 100% of the nutritionally supported subjects said their symptoms were gone!
The people on the drug did not fare nearly as well. Yes, after nine days of treatment, the subjects taking omeprazole reported marked improvement in symptoms. But after 40 days, only 65.7% of subjects said their symptoms were gone. Another 2.3% reported partial relief. And the remainder continued to experience symptoms as bad as they were before treatment.
And, as expected, those taking the drug had more side effects. Two subjects in the omeprazole group withdrew from the study because of persistent headaches. The supplement group also experienced one side effect — somnolence or sleepiness, which occurred in almost the entire group (90.3%). But none of them complained, as the supplements actually improved their sleep.
So what was the magic concoction? Dr. Pereira combined the supplements melatonin (6 mg daily), l-tryptophan (200 mg daily), vitamin B6 (25 mg daily), folic acid (10 mg daily), vitamin B12 (50 mcg daily), methoinine (100 mg daily), and betaine (100 mg daily). Dr. Pereira named the concoction Tripiridardo.
Why did he use melatonin? It inhibits gastric acid secretion and nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. NO relaxes the sphincter muscle that protects your esophagus from the acid. When the sphincter relaxes, it allows acid to escape from your stomach. Melatonin might help keep your sphincter tighter by reducing NO. Melatonin can also cause sleepiness, the one effect noted from the supplement group.
The other supplements may work by reducing inflammation and pain and promoting healing.
Heres an example of how well the combination works: One male patient in the study weighed 176 pounds before developing an esophageal ulcer due to GERD. He quickly lost half his weight to 88 pounds. After 32 days of treatment with the nutrients, he had recovered 66 pounds to 154 pounds. After nine months of treatment, his weight was back to 176 pounds. And endoscopy proved that the ulcer had vanished!
This is huge news. Millions of Americans suffer from this nagging condition with no relief. All they can do is pop petrochemical drugs or down antacids. Now we have evidence that a safe combination of supplements might stop your pain and literally heal the condition.
You know it would be a lot cheaper to study and test supplements than toxic drugs. But that is just not going to happen. Big Pharma gets its profits from patented synthetic petrochemicals. And their ONLY motivation is profit – not truth or service to you. If this news gets out in a big way, it might not be too long before melatonin is removed from the shelves. After all, it could wipe out a multibillion dollar class of chemical medicine.
When I talked to Dr. Pereira, he said, These results demonstrated clearly that the Australian scientists who got the Nobel Prize of Medicine in 2005 are completely WRONG when they said that ulcers are healed with antibiotics and omeprazole (or other proton pump inhibitors).
He added that all my research was done with my own money because the Brazilian Government Agencies are bankrupted.
How many of us in alternative medicine can afford to do research like this? We just cant. Dr. Pereira is a saint. I hope that further studies on his formulation can be conducted. Do you think that the Nobel committee will award him with the worlds most prestigious prize for curing the condition with common nutrients?
If you are suffering from reflux, consider these supplements as an alternative to your pain or your prescriptions. A healed stomach would be a lot nicer than a lifetime of an expensive and possibly dangerous chemical. Id suggest taking it before bed to maximize your benefit from the melatonin. If you do try the combination, please be sure to drop me a line and let me know how it works for you.
Ref. J. Pineal Res, 2006; 41(3): 195-200.