Suffer From Arthritis and Other Inflammatory Conditions? Treat Your Gut!

If you suffer from arthritis, bursitis, pancreatitis, or any other inflammatory condition (all of them end with itis), there is a surprising new way to treat your condition. All you have to do is treat your gut.

That is right! Many inflammatory conditions start in your digestive tract. And a new study shows how you can stop inflammation by treating your gut.

In a three-week trial on human adults, researchers gave the patients Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (one of the most common probiotics) for three weeks. The supplement decreased the patients levels of a pro-inflammatory lipid known as LysoGPCho. It also decreased inflammatory sphingomyelins and several pro-inflammatory glycerophosphatidylcholines. It even had a positive benefit (though weaker) toward the very inflammatory TNF-alpha and vascular risk factor CRP (a marker for vascular disease).

This is great news, as alternative doctors have known for a long time that the digestive tract is responsible for many health issues. This study is more proof. I think most everyone would benefit from regular use of probiotics. I like Advanced Bionutritionals Advanced Probiotic Formula.

If you have any inflammatory conditions, please consider probiotics before taking drugs.

Ref: World J Gastroenterol, 2008; 14(20): 3188-94.