Which Is More Deadly — High Cholesterol or Low Vitamin D Levels?

You have undoubtedly heard that high cholesterol can be deadly. However, Ive told my readers for years that it is not how high your cholesterol level is. Its how well your body handles that cholesterol. So I am not nearly as concerned about your cholesterol levels as most doctors. In fact, theres another risk factor … Read more

A Sticky Way to Treat Diabetes

While you are talking to your acupuncturist, ask him to treat your diabetes. That is right. A recent study that caught my eye for several reasons, suggests acupuncture can do wonders for diabetes. In the study, researchers applied pressure by acupuncture pellet to specific points on the ear of their participants. They found the acupuncture … Read more

Get a Great Nights Sleep Without Drugs or Supplements

As you may know, stress can kill you. And one of the most common types of stress is insomnia. When you cant sleep, it affects your entire body. Americans spend billions on sleeping pills to get some sleep. But you do not have to buy pills. Theres an easier way to get some restful sleep. … Read more

How to Get the Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide Without an IV

For years, Ive told the readers of my newsletter that intravenous hydrogen peroxide can work miracles for many illnesses. Unfortunately, conventional medicines attacks on the therapy have caused many doctors to stop using it. That is the bad news. The good news is theres a way you can get some of the same effects from … Read more

New Extract Lowers Cholesterol by 11% and Helps You Lose Weight

As you may know, I never recommend the typical Western diet. It has too much fat, too many refined carbohydrates, and too much sugar. But I know most people are not going to eat the way I do. So I am constantly looking for ways to protect your health even when you do splurge. And … Read more