Breakthrough Treatment Wipes Out Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, and Other Chronic Illness

Last month, I showed you one of the most amazing breakthroughs in medicine I’ve seen in years. If you suffer from any disease that threatens your life or your ability to live life to the fullest, then you have to read the rest of the story. The breakthrough is the controversial Stem Cell Therapy. But … Read more

Fluoride Finally Classified as a Carcinogen

It is said as California goes, so goes the nation. Well, in the most recent news about fluoride, I hope the saying is true. Californians, in 1986, passed proposition 65. This law mandates public posting of chemical hazards. Any chemical that can cause cancer, birth or reproductive defects is subject to public posting. You can … Read more

Are Nuts Bad for You Now?

For years, Ive talked about how healthy nuts are for you. Now theres evidence that they can actually cause health problems. Is it true? Do we now have to take nuts off the menu? Well, lets look at the study. The study in question found that nuts can increase your risk of getting asthma. In … Read more

If Your Doctor Does not Prescribe Statins, Hes Guilty of Malpractice

Get ready for a new push on statins. The New England Journal of Medicine published an article in which the authors say, Clinicians should be considered remiss if they do not prescribe these agents for all their eligible patients. In other words, Big Pharma now will accuse your doctor of malpractice if he does not … Read more

Reduce Your Colon Cancer and Heart Attack Risk by Up to 60%

Not only can vitamin D protect your brain, it also protects your colon and your heart. This amazing nutrient hits colon cancer two ways. It switches on certain genes, and induces beneficial changes in the cellular skeleton. This slows cell division and helps the cells become normal colon cells rather than cancer. As for your … Read more