The FREE Treatment That Reduces Heart Attack Risk by 88%

A few years back, Second Opinion readers were the first to read that thick blood is a serious risk factor for heart disease. Another word for thickness is viscosity. The more viscous a substance, the thicker and slower moving it is. The good news is theres a way to thin your blood without taking aspirin, Coumadin, or any other drug.

Whats more, this treatment wont just reduce your blood viscosity. It will also let you serve your fellow man.

This treatment is blood donation. Regular blood donation reduces blood viscosity by up to 32%. And better, it reduces your risk of heart attack by up to 88%.

There is no statin drug, no conventional therapy, or even an unconventional therapy that matches up to that! Blood donation may be your best ticket to prevent dropping dead prematurely or becoming a cardiac cripple.

How does it work? When you donate blood, you stimulate your bone marrow into high gear to make new cells to cover the loss. Younger cells are more vibrant and flexible. The flexibility translates into more fluid and flowing blood. That means a lot lower risk of clots. And much lower risk of vessel stoppages.

In these lean economic times, this is medical advice that will pay you back in gold. Please donate blood.

Ref: American Journal of Epidemiology, 148 (1998); Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 26 (2002); Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, 18 (1998).