The Overlooked Mineral That Drops Blood Pressure by 10%

Who needs blood pressure drugs? You certainly do not. Even if your blood pressure is elevated, there are plenty of ways to lower it naturally. Ive shown you several through the years, including fasting and taking garlic and magnesium. Now Ive found another nutrient that works wonders.

A recent study took 104 subjects age 53 and divided them into two groups. One received 30 mmol/day of potassium aspartate. The second group received nothing. Just look at the improvement in BP:

The treated group dropped its average blood pressure from 154.4/95 to 142.2/87.2. The 24-hour average blood pressure dropped from 142.7/90.8 to 134.8/84.6. Serum and urinary potassium significantly increased in the potassium group after four weeks of treatment. The untreated group had no such improvements. More potassium excretion means there is more in your body.

Hypertension is epidemic. Unfortunately, Big Pharma would have you believe the problem is a deficiency of prescription drugs. I say most hypertension is a simple case of you not getting enough of the minerals God designed you to have.

I almost always start hypertension treatment with potassium and its cousin magnesium. Look for a capsule containing 99 mg potassium and 100 mg magnesium, both in the aspartate form. Consider one capsule, three times daily. Unless you have kidney failure and are retaining potassium, I know of no risk.

Ref: Franzoni F, Santoro G, et al. Antihypertensive Effect of Oral Potassium Aspartate Supplementation in Mild to Moderate Arterial Hypertension, Biomed Pharmacother, 2005;59:25-29.