Last month, I told you about a possible cause of Parkinsons disease. The mineral manganese becomes toxic to key neurons when theres too much of it. Now, Ill tell you about one of my favorite treatments for Parkinsons.
If manganese is toxic to neurons, its vital you protect those neurons. Recent research confirms that curcumin is one of the best ways to protect those sensitive movement neurons. Heres how it does it:
Curcumin restores glutathione to these cells when its depleted. Researchers have confirmed this in living animals as well as in test tube cells. Glutathione is the most important protector of your neurons (and most of your body cells). A key defect in Parkinsons disease is depletion of glutathione in cells that make dopamine. This can impair energy production and lead to cell death.
This study proved that curcumin protected against protein oxidation, and preserved mitochondrial energy production. That is crucial for energy hungry neurons.
Action to take: I think curcumin is one of the greatest nutrients on earth. You can add as much of it as you want to your food. Ill sprinkle one or more tablespoons of curry powder on just about any food I cook. You can do the same. Or you can take it as a supplement. Take 500 mg twice daily to prevent or treat any degenerative condition.
Ref: Free Radic Biol Med, 2007 December.