Why 5-Year Survival Rates Are a Scam?

As you can see from this months article on mammograms, our medical establishment has fuzzy math when it comes to cancer detection. But its not just in mammograms. The entire detect it early propaganda and the 5-year survival rate stats also are fraudulent.

The misconception is that if you detect cancers early enough, you can cure them. That makes two assumptions that no one has EVER proven. First, can we be catching cancer too early? Second, what is cure? Lets tackle the latter first.

Cure to modern medicine is skewed to the so called five-year survival rate. The medical establishment manipulates these figures simply by controlling how researchers conduct their studies. Furthermore, detecting the cancer two years earlier, but not changing its course, gives a false impression about the five-year survival rate.

What if they caught your cancer three years from now, and you lived three more years? You would be considered a failure (three-year survival from detection). But with early detection (such as with a mammogram), you catch it today and you die in six years (three for the earlier detection, plus the three that you would have lived anyway if it were detected three years from now). Now you are a success.

And the credit goes to chemo and radiation, which destroyed the quality of your life for an illusory improved life span.

But now lets tackle the harder part. You might be wondering if I have flipped out by proposing that we might be catching cancer too early. Remember, Ive told you in the past that if we lived long enough, all of us would get cancer. All men get prostate cancer — 100%! But not all of us die of it. We have an immune system that searches out and destroys cancer. So, we know that men are getting prostate cancer all the time. But most never show a sign.

The same is true for women and breast cancer. The era of mammography ushered in the foolish mentality of catch it early, cut it out, and poison the rest. Never properly tested, mammography jumped to the forefront of cancer strategy. And, at the same time, there was a sudden jump in the incidence of the cancer. They just thought that we were honorably detecting more cancer. But that is not necessarily true.

As I pointed out in the mammography article, early cancer detection is not necessarily a good thing. First, its very possible your body will kill the cancer without any help from medicine. Second, if your body does not kill it, adding surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation will only weaken your body and make it easier for the cancer to grow.

Chemotherapy has a role in cancer treatment, but not in the huge doses now used. If you have cancer growing uncontrollably in your body, insulin potentiation therapy, and multiple other therapies will give you the best chance at a real survival rate. Just do not give in to the propaganda you hear these days. It could cost you your life.