I’ve told you in the past about C-reactive protein (CRP), which is a marker for general and ongoing inflammation in your body. CRP is usually associated with heart disease. But now there is evidence that an elevated CRP level is linked to cancer and macular degeneration. Do not be too alarmed, though, there is a simple way to treat the problem.
The first study indicates that an elevated CRP measurement is common with colon cancer. Researchers measured CRP in 22,887 Maryland adults in 1989. These subjects were followed for the next 11 years. Higher CRP was found in those who subsequently developed cancer. Those with the highest CRP had the highest risk (about 2.5 times those with the lowest). The weakness of this study was that CRP was measured only once, and the study did not determine whether elevated CRP is a risk for colon cancer or a consequence. However, the association is clear.
Another study shows that high CRP is also associated with macular degeneration (MD). In the study, 930 subjects had CRP tested in the mid-1990s. This study controlled for other known risk factors, such as smoking, age, sex, and body mass index. Those with the highest CRP were 65% more likely to develop MD.
Action to Take: (1) Have your doctor test for CRP. I think it is one of the most important tests you can have done. Its far more important than cholesterol. CRP is a measure of inflammation system-wide. That means it can cross the boundaries between the vascular and immune systems, making it an independent risk factor for a variety of diseases. I measure it routinely in my patients.
If your CRP level is elevated, it signals inflammation is present somewhere in your body. But it does not necessarily tell you where. You will need to see an astute integrative physician who can help detect the source, and eliminate it! You can find a doctor by calling one of the organizations on page 7.
(2) Take 500 mg of curcumin, three times daily. Curcumin, the substance that gives turmeric it is yellow color, is the most effective way to lower CRP. I especially like a product called FYI (For Your Inflammation). FYI is available at Farmacopia or at gardenoflifeusa.com
Ref: JAMA, February 4 & 11, 2004.