Miracles of Medicines: Permanently Eliminate Pain in Minutes

Here is a miracle I would not have believed if I were not there to witness it. At the spring 2006 ICIM meeting in Chicago, a previously unknown chiropractor delivered a talk about his technique for instantly relieving pain. He claimed to immediately restore motion and eliminate pain. I listened with curiosity and healthy skepticism. … Read more

The Drugs That Increase Your Risk of Dying by 55%

I’ve had serious concerns about antidepressants for years. You may have read my warnings in these pages. But now it appears that these drugs are far worse for you than even I imagined. A new study suggests that using antidepressants can significantly increase your risk of heart disease. And the clincher is that the researchers … Read more

When a Vegetarian Diet Is it not Healthy

For three of the past four years, Ive taken a February hiatus to India. Its a rapidly emerging country and is fast becoming a major world player. Most of the people in India are vegetarian, because its against their religion to kill animals. After everything Ive told you about the health benefits of a vegetarian … Read more

The Hungarian Supplement That Removes Mercury From Your Body

Last month, I told you about an inexpensive Hungarian supplement made from peat. I also told you about the miraculous way this supplement draws heavy metals out of your body. What is most amazing about this supplement, though, is that it can pull certain heavy metals out of your body that we thought were impossible … Read more

The Vitamin That Prevents Falls and Broken Bones

Orthodox medicine is catching up on the benefits of vitamin D. Now the American Medical Association admits that if you are an older woman and take only 700 IU daily of vitamin D, you can reduce your odds of falling by a whopping 46%. Interestingly, the study was designed to measure the effects of the … Read more