Does Your Garden Meet Federal Regulations?

If you grow herbs and vegetables in your backyard, how would you like a federal bureaucrat to visit your home to inspect your garden? And how would you like that bureaucrat to shut your garden down because you violate food safety laws? Seems like some Orwellian picture straight from the book 1984, does not it? … Read more

A Surprising Source of Carbon Monoxide

Last month, I told you about the dangers of low-level carbon monoxide poisoning. I showed you how low levels of this poisonous gas can cause a wide array of chronic illnesses. Most people are aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide and where the gas usually comes from. But this month, Ive got a shocking … Read more

Drop Your Blood Pressure by 7 Points or More

I’ve always found that its better to lower blood pressure naturally than to throw drugs at it. There are cases where drugs are necessary. But most cases will come down with a great diet and the right supplements. A recent study showed that one food or nutrient in particular can lower blood pressure all by … Read more

A Government Medical Program I Do Like

Its not often that I get to tell you some good news about the government regarding medicine. But this month is different. Vermont recently passed a law that will require drug and medical device makers to publicly disclose all gifts they provide to healthcare workers. That will include direct payments, speaking and consulting fees, grants, … Read more

Can You Reverse Allergies With Just One Supplement?

If you have allergies, its vital you take one particular nutrient. Ive used this nutrient for years with outstanding results. And new research now proves its effectiveness. Researchers from my university alma matter, Johns Hopkins University, examined over 8,000 blood samples from people with and without allergies and asthma. Those with the lowest serum folate … Read more