My Dads Remarkable Recovery — And the Crazy Treatment That Made It Happen

A few months ago, I told you about the terrible saga of my dad (now 90) in Florida. While his ordeal is far from over, it has changed, dramatically. On December 31, my ophthalmologist sister called me to let me know that Dad had miraculously awakened. His mind was working at nearly full cognitive capacity.

My family, which had all but given up hope, was in shock. It was a real miracle. He even complained of the searing pain of a bed sore he developed while comatose.

Interestingly, his improvement coincided with my use of a device I was using in California. Its called a LASERCAM device. It is a revolutionary, no-touch healing device that uses the principles of quantum physics and a quartz crystal. Its inventor, Dr. Charles Crosby, believes that LASERCAM treats the underlying cause of pain (inflammation and dysfunction) through energetic fields, to which all cells of our body are responsive.

After just one session the week before, my dads mental status roused. He was far from normal, but there was a clear and convincing improvement. At the encouragement of its developer, Dr. Crosby, I continued the treatment.

Dr. Crosby tells me that he has treated other neurological conditions including stroke, brain tumors, and blunt head trauma with LASERCAM. Most have gotten nearly immediate results and at least 75% improve. One lady had polio at age five. She is now 50. Dr. Crosby treated the portion of her brain affected and she got an 80% improvement with a single treatment.

Beginning December 29, I treated my dad with the LASERCAM for two consecutive days before I went on a short trip, and forgot to turn it off before leaving. While away, my sister Sheri Rowen, MD (a gifted eye doctor in Baltimore, Maryland), at dads bedside, called me about his sudden awakening. All she could say is, Robert, I do not know what you are doing, but whatever it is, keep it up. Ive learned something from all this. Never give up hope!

It appears that this device helped my father because he is now able to talk intelligently after a grave neurological impairment lasting many weeks. It had rendered him unconscious for weeks, and virtually stuporous for several more weeks. Except for his semi-conscious hospital ordeal, even his short-term memory has done quite well. My father is still seriously ill and debilitated. Hes still deep in the woods. Yet for him to be able to communicate and have this kind of response after weeks of little or none at all is an answer to our prayers.

Many people consider energy medicine hokey or unscientific. But theres a lot of science behind it, which is presented in the excellent book Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis by James Oschman, PhD. It is available online.

Final Note: As of June 30, 2009, my dad has recovered dramatically. To me, its nothing short of a miracle from Heaven. He now sits in a chair. He can stand up for short periods and can walk a few steps with help. His swallowing is returning. His weight has increased.

My mom says the vast majority of his memory has returned, including short-term memory. And miracle of miracles, he has at last found a conventional doctor who, like me, dislikes Coumadin. He has prescribed my supplement protocol for my dad. If there were more physicians like this, we would see phenomenal reductions in death and injury from conventional medicine. My mom is exceedingly hopeful that he will ultimately be able to return home.