New Oxygen Therapy Kills Viruses — Even the Flu Virus — in Hours

With flu season now in full swing, it is time to talk about ways to beat this potentially killer illness. If you think the flu vaccine will protect you or save your life, think again.

I told you last year that flu vaccines did little if anything to protect you from the flu. Well, now there is a new study that shows that the flu vaccine not only does little to protect you from the flu, it does nothing to save lives in the elderly. And that is the group that is supposedly the most vulnerable!

Admittedly, the study only looked at mortality and not morbidity (hospitalizations, injury, etc.). Regardless, it confirms everything I’ve told you. The study spanned several decades of U.S. data and failed to show that vaccinating the elderly saved any lives.

Even with this new information, the CDC does not intend to change it is recommendations for elderly vaccinations. Perhaps CDC officials own stock in the drug companies that sell the vaccines.

Regardless of what conventional medicine does, it is time for you to take control of your health. I’ve told you in the past about one of the finest treatments of all that you will never hear the experts talk about — intravenous hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide cut the death rate from viral pneumonia in half in the devastating Spanish flu outbreak of 1917-18. Keep that in mind when the Southeast Asian bird flu finally makes the jump to humans and the pandemic begins again. Find a doctor today who performs this treatment. You can find one by calling the organizations on page 7.

Many of you have told me you cant find a doctor in your area that performs hydrogen peroxide therapy. Well, I’ve got a great solution for you. And, more than likely, you will be able to find a doctor who will administer this new oxygen therapy.

That is right! My friend and colleague Robert Cathcart, MD has pioneered what appears to be another oxidative therapy. Only this one is not your standard oxygen therapy. Hes discovered that the use of high-dose, intravenous vitamin C works wonders for a variety of conditions. And, on the cellular level, it seems to have a similar effect on the body as oxygen.

Because of how well this treatment works on viruses, hundreds of other physicians worldwide have picked up the IV-C treatment. Many times, high-dose vitamin C, at least 25 grams, and up to 75 grams, will knock out a virus — even the flu — within hours. In fact, it oftentimes works when other oxidation therapies have failed.

Many think they can take enough vitamin C orally, but that is not the case. According to the Annals of Internal Medicine, Oral vitamin C produces plasma concentrations that are tightly controlled. Only intravenous administration of vitamin C produces high plasma and urine concentrations.

In other words, you cant get enough vitamin C to battle a killer virus from a pill. Your digestive tract cant handle massive vitamin C doses. As little as three grams can cause diarrhea. And stomach acid can degrade the vitamin. But administering it intravenously does not cause diarrhea and it dramatically boosts your immune system.

Many physicians who wont administer hydrogen peroxide, including many naturopaths, are willing to administer high-dose, intravenous vitamin C. So check with your integrative physician.

Ref: Archives of Internal Medicine, February 14, 2005; Ann Intern Med. 2004 April 6;140(7):I61; Vitamin C, Infectious

Diseases and Toxins, Curing the Incurable, 2002.