Ebola Battled By Robert Rowen MD With Ozone Therapy In Sierra Leone Update 11-30-14

CONFIRMED EBOLA CASE TREATED AND QUICKLY RESOLVED You all have been devoted to our mission, and therefore you all should be the first to know the most fabulous news you will hear regarding the Ebola crisis. Dr. Robert Rowen and Dr. Howard Robins now openly announce to the world the first CONFIRMED case of Ebola … Read more

Ebola Battled By Robert Rowen MD With Ozone Therapy In Sierra Leone Update 11-28-14

Ebola vaccine is in the works: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/ebola-vaccine-seems-safe-in-first-stage-testing/2014/11/26/6bb63c42-75d6-11e4-8893-97bf0c02cc5f_story.html Now I want you all to consider the press this piece is getting compared to the silence we have gotten. Here is an international story on an Ebola vaccine under way. Yes, it was done on human volunteers. And yes, it showed promise in that antibodies developed in … Read more

Ebola Battled By Robert Rowen MD With Ozone Therapy In Sierra Leone Update 11-26-14

While I am awaiting word from Sierra Leone about blood testing on our Ebola contaminated physician, I have been peculiarly interested in the lack of mainstream interest in our work. I draw your attention to: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2014/11/25/how-vultures-evolved-to-live-on-rotting-feces-covered-meat-and-what-we-can-learn-from-them. Here is the Washington Post reporting on vultures eating the fecal matter of rotting animals and surviving, and how … Read more

Robert Rowen, MD Health Hero Battles Ebola In Sierra Leone With Ozone Update 11-24-14

Folks, you’ve not likely heard of this event. But it is very important; and to Dr. Robins and me, it is extremely worrisome. The headline says that bandits got more than they bargained for by stealing blood full of ebola virus. Authoritiespleaded with them to return the vials: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/bandits-guinea-steal-suspected-ebola-blood-27075985 Now consider, why would thieves risk … Read more

Ebola Battled By Health Hero Robert Rowen MD In Sierra Leone With Ozone Update 11-24-14

  Folks, you’ve not likely heard of this event. But it is very important; and to Dr. Robins and me, it is extremely worrisome. The headline says that bandits got more than they bargained for by stealing blood full of ebola virus. Authoritiespleaded with them to return the vials: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/bandits-guinea-steal-suspected-ebola-blood-27075985 Now consider, why would thieves … Read more