The Herb That is Safer and More Effective Than Anti-Nausea Drugs

Thousands of pregnant women are fed prescription drugs for nausea every year at a huge price, both financially and with the toll on their health. In the words of the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, Conventional antiemetics (nausea drugs) are burdened with the potential of teratogenic (deforming) effects during the critical period (1st trimester) of pregnancy. Thus, a safe and effective medication would be a welcome addition85

Hello!!! Ginger has been around for thousands of years, but no one wants to use it. Why? Patented snake oil brings big bucks. Ginger root can be purchased easily by anyone at their local grocery store. So pharmaceutical companies have brainwashed doctors into thinking their drugs are more effective.

The same article mentioned above shows just how corrupt that statement is. According to the article, researchers reviewed the literature on ginger. They found the root to be superior to placebo and just as effective as pharmaceuticals (but without the aforementioned side effects).

Ginger is one of my favorite remedies for stomach problems. And it is an ancient one at that. If you have problems with nausea, consider ginger. Its available in capsules and in teas. If it can help nausea of pregnancy, you can be sure it offers help for you as well. Whether you are prone to seasickness or have nausea from an intestinal bug, look to this natural remedy first!

Ref: Obstetrics Gynecology, 2005;105:849-856.