This Oil Drops Blood Pressure and Triglycerides

High blood pressure and high triglycerides are early warning signs of heart trouble. While Big Pharma continues its full court press on physicians to pimp their chemicals, you need to know alternatives.

Two small studies on 14 and 16 people tell us that omega-3 fish oil could really help you. Four grams daily dropped systolic blood pressure by 10 mm and diastolic by seven mm. Triglycerides and dangerous Lp(a) plunged by 23% and 37%, respectively. The latter is very hard to reduce.

The researchers from both studies said the most effective dose is four grams daily. I agree. While a vegetarian, I am a fan of fish oil, especially if you have circulatory problems. But make sure you use a brand that has any contaminants removed. Steam distillation can remove unwanted heavy metals from the fish products. My favorite brands are Healthy Resolve (sold with Max Plus multivitamin), Nordic Naturals, Carlsons, and Biotech Labs.

Ref: Clin Nutr, 2004;23:1246-1247.