Why Its So Hard to Lose Weight

You may have heard the term vicious cycle. That is when you get into something where a problem creates another, which recreates the first. Well, that seems to be happening in obesity.

Neuro-scientists have found that obesity gradually numbs the ability of rats to taste sweet foods. That drives them to consume larger and sweeter meals. This seems to be a critical link to body weight.

Scientists compared lean rats to obese rats. They implanted electrodes in their brains to record nerve firing to taste. The obese rats had about 50% less firing neurons when they ate sugar.

This information might help you if you are battling excess weight. The excess weight itself damages your ability to control it. Getting a handle on your satiety will be partially dependent on losing weight. Hopefully this will motivate you to exercise more, or alter your eating to get the ball moving. As your weight drops, you should be able to get a better handle on satiety.

Ref: Science Daily, November 26, 2008.