Losing Your Hearing? This Drug-Free Therapy Might Reverse It

If you have hearing loss, tinnitus, ear pressure, or ear pain, theres a simple treatment that might reverse your condition. And it can do it without pills of any kind. What most people do not realize is that problems with your upper cervical spine can cause hearing loss and other ear ailments. The medical term … Read more

Drug Company Uses Fake Journal to Sell Its Drugs

In the past, Ive told you stories of alternative doctors who ran afoul of the law simply because they did not follow conventional medicines drug mandate. In our culture, drugs rule. But you already know that. You know that when you take a drug, your life is in danger. What you may not know is … Read more

Can CoQ10 Help You Live Longer?

CoQ10 is again making news as a premier anti-aging nutrient. Researchers recently conducted a rat study to determine the mechanisms by which dietary coenzyme Q10 prolongs lifespan. The researchers gave the regular CoQ10. They all saw significant increases in serum albumin levels — which decrease with aging. And the levels remained high — at 6 … Read more

New Honey Treatment for Wounds

You probably know that honey has fantastic healing properties. It can help you fight allergies, stomach problems, and even infections. Amazingly, sweet honey does not feed germs as does sugar. Beehives are incredibly clean. And honey can outright kill bacteria, including the dangerous methicillin resistant staph areus (MRSA) that is maiming so many Americans. What … Read more

Is This the Cure for Infertility?

Most readers of Second Opinion are not worried about getting pregnant. But what you are about to read is such an amazing medical breakthrough that I just have to tell you about it. And it could impact your life as well. My colleague, John Cannell, MD, who runs the Vitamin D Council, recently told me … Read more