Electronic Zapper, Prayers, Rosary Before God…What Worked?

ralph zuranski photo

Does a Hulda Clark electronic zapper device do anything at all?

You feel no sensation or tingling during the 7 minute treating part of the three sessions.  It is three treatments 7 minutes long, with two 20 minutes off resting periods between the 3 treatment sessions.

Well, I believe it is one step in the process of healing.

Let me share a story with you.

Saturday morning I was attending the Mighty Men of the Rosary meeting at Church. A dear friend came up to me, clearly very distressed. She asked if I would pray with her and what I would do in her situation.

She had been suffering a week with a deep non-productive cough. The strong cough medicine did not seem to stop her coughing or decrease lung congestion. She was considering taking antibiotics but only as a last resort.

She was desperate and was praying for God’s direction. She knew I was a Prayer Warrior. She asked me to pray with her for healing.

I was happy to do so. I also told her about my electronic  zapper that seemed to have helped my constant lung congestion caused by allergies to all the grass and tree pollen in Dallas.

After we prayed together, I immediately visited the tabernacle and prayed a rosary specifically for her healing before the Blessed Sacrament.

Later that day, I met with her and offered the loan of my Hulda Clark electronic zapper. Amazingly, she said she was feeling better after our prayer together.

She accepted the offer to borrow my zapper and thanked me for the opportunity. Wow, was I thrilled…a new Health Guinea to test out the things that are inexpensive and easy to do to gain optimal health.

The next morning, she texted me, “Good morning. What a blessing you are. Thank you for lending me the zapper. I zapped last night and again this morning. Last night I did not have to take the cough medicine that I have been taking for a week.

What a relief. My cough is productive now and I am feeling some cleansing effects… nausea mainly. But I am doing much better. I prayed to God Friday to show me what I needed to do to get better…take antibiotics or not, and thought of you. Then I saw you at church. You were my answer to prayer…Can I keep the zapper for a few days?”

Well, what do you think? Was it her prayers, the hands on prayer for healing, the rosary before the Blessed Sacrament, the bug zapper or a mix of all four?

I believe the pathway to healing of any health problem begins with:

1. Personal prayer

2. The prayers of others

3. Laying on of the hands by the elders or if you are Catholic, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

4. Electronic strengthening of your immune system

5. Finally visit your doctor and follow his instructions.

The goal is to achieve optimal health. You never want to become sick again. You want to experience the joy of living every day of your life.

Your doctor always plays an important role in helping your body heal and keeping you healthy. I believe the most effective doctors are trained in conventional, oriental and integrative medicine.

I am thankful for the opportunity to share the articles of Frank Shallenberger MD, Nan Kathryn Fuchs PhD and Robert Rowen MD. Doctors that are cross trained in conventional, oriental and integrative medicine know what works best in crisis situations. “The right therapy at the critical time, how sweet it is.”

I have been so impressed with my results and those of my dear friend using the zapper. I decided to do research on the internet. I wanted to discover how the zapper works and what specifically it is supposed to do.

I received my zapper as a gift in 2004 from a friend. I did not do much with it because I did not feel any tingling when I tried it out.

At that time in my life, I was in great shape. I was doing research on myself with $40,000 electronic devices that powerfully charged up all my acupuncture systems automatically.

10 years later, I am amazed an inexpensive zapper is causing me to experience health benefits. My new research points to the strengthening of your immune system. Some how,  the small electric current and low frequencies stimulate your own immune system to function more effectively.

That sounds good to me. It is worthy of further research. I invested two hour doing research on the zappers on the internet. I just ordered the one I discerned is the least expensive and most effective.

The new electronic zapper should be in my hot little hands by October 2. I will test it out and let you know what happens.

I will also talk to some my doctor friends who are experts and see what types of electronic devices they recommend. I am confident the industry has progressed light years since 2004.