“In times of physical, emotional and psychological stress, prayer is invaluable in helping you keep a positive attitude…no matter what.” by Ralph Zuranski

“In times of physical, emotional and psychological stress, prayer is invaluable in helping you keep a positive attitude…no matter what.” by Ralph Zuranski Over a lifetime of making mistakes, dealing with countless failures, seeking solutions to a multitude of health problems and injuries, prayer is the one thing that never fails to bring peace and … Read more

A Miracle Did Occur Thanks To Your Prayers and Positive Thoughts by Ralph Zuranski

How can I thank you? Your prayers and positive thoughts really made a difference for my dad. He sailed right through the surgery to fix the aortic aneurysm in his abdomen. All my family is very grateful for your help. When I took dad and mom into the hospital yesterday morning at 5 a.m., the … Read more

“I Just Knew Things Would Get Better If Only I Could Choose a Positive Attitude”

“If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” Proverbs 24: 10 Why is it so easy to listen to good advice but not apply it? Change is something we all resist. Insanity is doing the same thing evey day and expecting different results. It takes a lot of creativity to face … Read more

“How Fast Events Change in a Blink Of An Eye” by Ralph Zuranski

Well you guessed it… another unexpected change occurred in the blink of an eye. Somehow, somewhere, there was a mistake made. Before the surgeon’s consultation on Wednesday, they were expecting my dad to go into the hospital on Tuesday, today, to have an angiogram. I was informed by a medical tech that when the aneurysm … Read more